The ml Quantum Number and Magnetic Fields
The magnetic quantum number, designated by the letter , is the third
, the magnitude of the angular momentum in the z direction, is given by the formula
The quantum number refers, loosely, to the direction of the angular momentum vector. The magnetic quantum number only affects the electron's energy if it is in a magnetic field because in the absence of one, all spherical harmonics corresponding to the different arbitrary values of are equivalent. The magnetic quantum number determines the energy shift of an atomic orbital due to an external magnetic field (this is called the Zeeman effect) - hence the name magnetic quantum number. However, the actual magnetic dipole moment of an electron in an atomic orbital arrives not only from the electron angular momentum, but also from the electron spin, expressed in the spin quantum number, which is the fourth quantum number. and discussed in the next chapter.
: The orbiting electron with a non-zero value acts like a magnetic field with is no energetic difference for any particular orientation (only one energy state, on the left). However, in external magnetic field there is a high-energy state and a low-energy state depending on the relative orientations of the magnet to the external field. (CC SA-BY 3.0; Darekk2).
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