Free Software for Atomic and Plasma Physics
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- Weizmann Institute:
- LANL: Atomic structure package(R.D.Cowan)
- PC-version of Cowan's code (A.E.Kramida)
- NASA/Goddard: Plasma emission codes
- Institute of Spectroscopy, Troitsk, Russia:
- Dynamics of the micropinching process in a Z-pinch-like device (A.E.Kramida)
- BIBL (spectral bibliography database)
- The University of California at Berkeley:
- Monsignori-Fossi and Landini (1994) Plasma Code (currently unavailable)
- PIC and other plasma codes
- University of California at Los Angeles:
- The University of Strathclyde, UK: Atomic Structure/Collisions Codes
- UCL codes
- UK RmaX (R-matrix) codes
- ADAS: The Atomic Data and Analysis Structure
- The Queen's University of Belfast, UK:
- CPC Program Library (free for subscribed institutions)
- Dirac Atomic R-Matrix Code DARC
- University College London, UK: Opacity Codes from the Opacity Project (M.Seaton)
- LAPLACE, CNRS and University of Toulouse: BOLSIG+, a user-friendly application for numerical solution of the Boltzmann equation for electrons in weakly ionized gases in uniform electric fields
- University of Kentucky:
- FORTRAN subroutines for calculation of cross sections & rates (D.Verner, J.B.Kingdon)
- Cloudy -- a large-scale plasma spectral simulation code (G.Ferland et al)
- University of California at Los Angeles: Xspace -- a space physics educational software package
- Northern Territory University, Australia: A Hartree-Fock program for atomic structure calculations (J.Mitroy)
- University of Oslo, Norway: MULTI - a code to solve multi-level non-LTE radiative transfer problems in stationary atmospheres (M. Carlsson)
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN: Radiation Safety Information Computational Center
- UC Berkeley and George Mason University: XOOPIC Plasma Simulation Program
- Vanderbilt University: MCHF/MCDF collection
- UK RmaX Codes
- TAMIC Group: Passive microwave devices, programs and algorithms for the electromagnetic analysis
- FAC (the Flexible Atomic Code) and cFAC
- JAC - Jena Atomic Calculator
- MCDFGME: Multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock Code
- FLYCHK: Collisional-Radiative Code
- LPIC++, One Dimensional Fully Electromagnetic Particle in cell code for Laser Plasma Interaction
- UC San Diego: MHD and hydrodynamical simulation codes
- ChiantyPyis a Python interface to the CHIANTI atomic database for astrophysical spectroscopy
- Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg: STOKES, a Monte Carlo radiative transfer code for modeling multi-wavelength polarization
- Xraypack - a software package for modeling x-ray-induced dynamics of matter
- PlasmaPy - a collection of functionality commonly used and shared between plasma physicists, running within the Python ecosystem
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