Often the bound potentials
that we encounter are complex, and the time-independent Schrödinger
equation will need to be evaluated numerically. There are two common
numerical methods for solving for the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of a
potential. Both methods require truncating and discretizing a region of
space that is normally spanned by an infinite dimensional Hilbert
space. The Numerov method is a finite difference method that calculates
the shape of the wavefunction by integrating step-by-step across along a
grid. The DVR method makes use of a transformation between a finite
discrete basis and the finite grid that spans the region of interest.
Figure 1.5.1: Selection and discretization of a space bounding the region for which the TISE will be solved numerically. A space of length L is discretized into N points separated by a spacing δx over which the potential varies slowly.
The Numerov Method
A one-dimensional Schrödinger equation for a
particle in a potential can be numerically solved on a grid that
discretizes the position variable using a finite difference method. The
which we can write as
If we discretize the variable x
, choosing a grid spacing δx over which V
varies slowly, we can use a three point finite difference to approximate the second derivative:
The discretized Schrödinger equation can then be written in the form
Using the equation for ψ(xi+1)
one can iteratively solve for the eigenfunction. In practice, you
discretize over a range of space such that the highest and lowest values
lie in a region where the potential is very high or forbidden.
Splitting the space into N points, chose the first two values ψ(x1)=0 and ψ(x2)x to be a small positive or negative number, guess E, and propagate iteratively to ψ(xN). A comparison of the wavefunctions obtained by propagating from x1 to xN with that obtained propagating from xN to x1 tells you how good your guess of E
Numerical solutions to the wavefunctions of a
bound potential in the position representation require truncating and
discretizing a region of space that is normally spanned by an infinite
dimensional Hilbert space. The DVR approach uses a real space basis set
whose eigenstates φi(x)
we know and that span the space of interest—for instance harmonic
oscillator wavefunctions—to express the eigenstates of a Hamiltonian in a
grid basis (θj) that is meant to approximate the real space continuous basis δ(x). The two basis sets, which we term the eigenbasis (φ) and grid basis (θ
), will be connected through a unitary transformation
For N
discrete points in the grid basis, there will be N
eigenvectors in the eigenbasis, allowing the properties of projection
and completeness will hold in both bases. Wavefunctions can be obtained
by constructing the Hamiltonian in the eigenbasis,
transforming to the DVR basis, HDVR=ΦHΦ,
and then diagonalizing.
Here we will discuss a version of DVR in which the grid basis is set up to mirror the continuous |X⟩
eigenbasis. We begin by choosing the range of x that contain the bound states of interest and discretizing these into N points (xi) equally spaced by δx. We assume that the DVR basis functions θj(xi)
resemble the infinite dimensional position basis
Our truncation is enabled using a projection operator in the reduced space
which is valid for appropriately high N
. The complete Hamiltonian can be expressed in the DVR basis DVR
For the potential energy, since {θi}
is localized with ⟨θi|θj⟩=δij, we make the DVR approximation, which casts VDVR
into a diagonal form that is equal to the potential energy evaluated at the grid point:
This comes from approximating the transformation as ΦV(x^)Φ†≈V(Φx^Φ†).
For the kinetic energy matrix elements ⟨θi|T(p^)|θj⟩
we need to evaluate second derivatives between different grid points.
Fortunately, Colbert and Miller have simplified this process by finding
an analytical form for the TDVR matrix for a uniformly gridded box with a grid spacing of Δx
This comes from a Fourier expansion in a uniformly gridded box. Naturally this looks oscillatory in x
at period of δx. Expression becomes exact in the limit of N→∞ or Δx→0.
The numerical routine becomes simple and efficient. We construct a
Hamiltonian filling with matrix elements whose potential and kinetic
energy contributions are given by Equations 1.5.13 and 1.5.14. Then we diagonalize HDVR, from which we obtain N eigenvalues and the N corresponding eigenfunctions.
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